Mastering Trigger Logic Apps from Azure Service Bus in Sequence
Image by Leviathan -

Mastering Trigger Logic Apps from Azure Service Bus in Sequence

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Are you struggling to integrate Azure Service Bus with Logic Apps? Do you want to trigger Logic Apps in sequence from Azure Service Bus? Look no further! This article is your comprehensive guide to mastering the art of triggering Logic Apps from Azure Service Bus in sequence.


Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, make sure you have the following:

  • A basic understanding of Azure Service Bus and Logic Apps
  • An Azure subscription with access to Azure Service Bus and Logic Apps
  • A Azure Service Bus namespace with a queue or topic created
  • A Logic App with a trigger and action configured

Understanding Azure Service Bus

Azure Service Bus is a fully managed enterprise service bus that enables you to integrate applications and services across the cloud and on-premises environments. It provides a reliable and secure way to exchange messages between applications and services.

In the context of Logic Apps, Azure Service Bus acts as a message broker that allows you to trigger Logic Apps when a message is received in a queue or topic.

Understanding Logic Apps

Logic Apps is a cloud-based workflow automation and integration platform that enables you to automate repetitive tasks and integrate applications and services.

In the context of Azure Service Bus, Logic Apps can be triggered when a message is received in a queue or topic, allowing you to process the message and perform actions based on the message content.

Triggering Logic Apps from Azure Service Bus in Sequence

To trigger Logic Apps from Azure Service Bus in sequence, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a Service Bus Trigger

    In your Logic App, create a new trigger and select “Service Bus” as the trigger type. Choose the Service Bus namespace and queue or topic that you want to monitor for incoming messages.

    "type": "ServiceBusTrigger",
    "subcription": "",
    "resourceGroup": "",
    "namespaceName": "",
    "entityPath": "",
    "messageType": "autoDetect",
    "maxMessageCount": 10

    This trigger will listen for incoming messages in the specified queue or topic and trigger the Logic App when a message is received.

  2. Configure the Service Bus Connection

    In the trigger settings, configure the Service Bus connection by providing the necessary credentials and settings.

    Property Description
    Shared Access Policy Name The name of the Shared Access Policy (SAS) that grants access to the Service Bus namespace
    Shared Access Policy Key The key for the Shared Access Policy (SAS) that grants access to the Service Bus namespace
  3. Process the Message in a Sequence

    Once the Logic App is triggered, you can process the message in a sequence using actions such as ” Parse JSON” to parse the message content, “Condition” to evaluate the message content, and “API Connection” to call an external API.

            "actions": {
              "Parse_JSON": {
                "type": "ParseJson",
                "inputs": {
                  "content": "@triggerBody()"
              "Condition": {
                "type": "If",
                "expression": {
                  "and": [
                      "equals": [
                "actions": {
                  "API_Connection": {
                    "type": "Http",
                    "inputs": {
                      "method": "POST",
                      "uri": "",
                      "body": "@body('Parse_JSON')"

    In this example, the Logic App parses the message content using the “Parse JSON” action, evaluates the message content using the “Condition” action, and calls an external API using the “API Connection” action.

  4. Handle Errors and Exceptions

    It’s essential to handle errors and exceptions in your Logic App to ensure that the workflow is reliable and fault-tolerant. You can use the “Catch” action to handle errors and exceptions.

            "actions": {
              "Catch": {
                "type": "Catch",
                "actions": {
                  "Send_Email": {
                    "type": "SendEmail",
                    "inputs": {
                      "to": "",
                      "subject": "Error in Logic App",
                      "body": "@error().message"

    In this example, the Logic App catches any errors or exceptions that occur during the workflow and sends an email notification to the administrator.

Best Practices for Triggering Logic Apps from Azure Service Bus in Sequence

To ensure that your Logic App is triggered correctly from Azure Service Bus in sequence, follow these best practices:

  • Use a dedicated Service Bus namespace for each Logic App

    Using a dedicated Service Bus namespace for each Logic App ensures that the Logic App receives messages intended for it and reduces the risk of message loss or misrouting.

  • Configure the Service Bus connection correctly

    Make sure to configure the Service Bus connection correctly, including the Shared Access Policy Name, Shared Access Policy Key, and namespace settings.

  • Use the correct message type in the trigger

    Use the correct message type in the trigger (e.g., “autoDetect”, “string”, “byteArray”, etc.) to ensure that the Logic App receives the message correctly.

  • Handle errors and exceptions properly

    Implement error handling and exception handling in your Logic App to ensure that errors are caught and handled correctly.

  • Monitor and troubleshoot your Logic App

    Monitor your Logic App regularly and troubleshoot any issues that arise to ensure that the workflow is reliable and fault-tolerant.


Triggering Logic Apps from Azure Service Bus in sequence is a powerful way to automate workflows and integrate applications and services. By following the steps and best practices outlined in this article, you can create a reliable and fault-tolerant workflow that meets your business needs.

Remember to configure your Service Bus connection correctly, handle errors and exceptions properly, and monitor and troubleshoot your Logic App regularly to ensure that it runs smoothly and efficiently.

Happy automating!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to trigger Logic Apps in sequence from Azure Service Bus! Here are the answers to your burning questions:

What is the best way to trigger Logic Apps from Azure Service Bus in sequence?

You can use the Azure Service Bus trigger in Logic Apps to receive messages from a Service Bus queue or topic. Then, enable the “Sequential” trigger type to process messages in the order they were received. This ensures that your Logic Apps will be triggered in the correct sequence.

How do I set up a Service Bus trigger in Logic Apps to receive messages in sequence?

To set up a Service Bus trigger, create a new Logic App and add a trigger. Choose the “Azure Service Bus” trigger type and select the desired queue or topic. Then, enable the “Sequential” trigger type and specify the batch size and interval. Finally, configure any additional settings as needed, such as the message properties and authentication.

Can I use a Service Bus session to guarantee message ordering in Logic Apps?

Yes, you can use a Service Bus session to guarantee message ordering in Logic Apps. When you enable sessions on a Service Bus queue or topic, messages will be received in the order they were sent. This ensures that your Logic Apps will be triggered in the correct sequence. Just make sure to enable sessions on both the sender and receiver sides.

How do I handle errors and retries when triggering Logic Apps from Azure Service Bus in sequence?

When triggering Logic Apps from Azure Service Bus in sequence, you can handle errors and retries using the built-in retry policies and error handling mechanisms in Logic Apps. You can also use Azure Service Bus features like dead-letter queues and duplicate detection to handle errors and retries.

Are there any performance considerations when triggering Logic Apps from Azure Service Bus in sequence?

Yes, when triggering Logic Apps from Azure Service Bus in sequence, you should consider the performance implications of processing messages in sequence. This may impact the throughput and latency of your Logic Apps. To mitigate this, you can use techniques like parallel processing, batching, and caching to improve performance.