Demystifying the onCancel Function: Why It Lacks Animation in Ant Design
Image by Leviathan -

Demystifying the onCancel Function: Why It Lacks Animation in Ant Design

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If you’re an Ant Design enthusiast, you might have stumbled upon a curious phenomenon – the onCancel function seems to be missing in action when it comes to animations. But fear not, dear reader! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Ant Design, exploring the onCancel function, its purpose, and why it doesn’t come with built-in animations. Buckle up, and let’s dive in!

What is the onCancel Function?

The onCancel function is a callback function in Ant Design’s Modal component that gets triggered when the modal is canceled or closed. It’s a handy feature that allows developers to execute specific code when the user decides to abandon the modal without completing the intended action.

  onCancel={() => {
    console.log('Modal canceled!');
    <p>This is the modal content</p>

Why Does the onCancel Function Lack Animation?

So, why doesn’t the onCancel function come with built-in animations like its counterpart, the onOk function? The reason lies in the design philosophy of Ant Design. The onCancel function is intended to be a utility function, allowing developers to handle the cancellation event in a custom manner. It’s meant to be a lightweight, non-intrusive callback that doesn’t impose any specific animation or behavior on the developer.

By not including animations in the onCancel function, Ant Design gives developers the freedom to implement their own animation logic, tailoring it to their specific use case. This approach enables a more flexible and customizable experience for the end-user.

Customizing the onCancel Function with Animations

While the onCancel function might not come with built-in animations, you can still create your own custom animations using CSS or JavaScript. Here’s an example of how you can add a fade-out animation when the modal is canceled:

  onCancel={() => {
  <Modal.Body id="modal-content">
    <p>This is the modal content</p>
/* Add this to your CSS file */
.fade-out {
  animation: fadeOut 0.5s forwards;

@keyframes fadeOut {
  0% {
    opacity: 1;
  100% {
    opacity: 0;

Use Cases for Custom Animations

Adding custom animations to the onCancel function can enhance the user experience in various ways. Here are some use cases to get you started:

  • Fading Out

    Create a smooth fade-out effect when the modal is canceled, as demonstrated in the previous example.

  • Sliding Up or Down

    Implement a sliding animation that moves the modal up or down when canceled, using CSS transitions or JavaScript.

  • Zooming Out

    Design a zoom-out animation that shrinks the modal when canceled, creating a visually appealing effect.

  • Rotating or Spinning

    Add a rotating or spinning animation to the onCancel function, creating a unique and engaging user experience.

Best Practices for Custom Animations

When creating custom animations for the onCancel function, keep the following best practices in mind:

  1. Keep it Simple

    Avoid complex animations that might overwhelm the user. Stick to simple, intuitive effects that enhance the user experience.

  2. Ensure Accessibility

    Make sure your custom animations are accessible and don’t interfere with screen readers or other assistive technologies.

  3. Test Thoroughly

    Test your custom animations on different devices, browsers, and screen sizes to ensure a consistent user experience.

  4. Document Your Code

    Document your custom animation code, making it easy for others to understand and maintain.


In conclusion, the onCancel function in Ant Design might not come with built-in animations, but it provides an opportunity for developers to create custom animations that tailor to their specific use case. By understanding the purpose and philosophy behind the onCancel function, you can unlock the full potential of Ant Design and craft engaging, user-centric experiences.

Remember, the key to creating effective custom animations is to keep it simple, ensure accessibility, test thoroughly, and document your code. With these best practices in mind, you’ll be well on your way to designing exceptional user interfaces that delight and inspire.

Function Description
onCancel() Callback function triggered when the modal is canceled.
onOk() Callback function triggered when the modal is confirmed.

We hope this article has provided valuable insights into the onCancel function in Ant Design and inspired you to create custom animations that elevate your user experience. Happy coding!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “onCancel function has no animation in Ant Design”:

Frequently Asked Question

We’ve got you covered! Here are some answers to your burning questions about why the onCancel function has no animation in Ant Design.

Why does the onCancel function not trigger any animation in Ant Design?

By design, the onCancel function in Ant Design’s Modal component doesn’t trigger any animation. This is because onCancel is typically used to handle the cancellation of an action, and animations might not be desired in such scenarios. If you need animation, consider using the afterClose callback instead.

Can I still add custom animations when the onCancel function is triggered?

Yes, you can! While Ant Design doesn’t provide built-in animation support for onCancel, you can create your own custom animation using CSS classes or JavaScript animation libraries like React-Spring. Just make sure to add your animation logic within the onCancel function.

How do I know when the onCancel function is triggered?

Easy one! The onCancel function is triggered when the user clicks the cancel button or presses the Esc key while the Modal is open. You can also programmatically trigger it by calling the onCancel function manually.

Is there a way to disable the onCancel function’s default behavior?

Yes, you can! By setting the-cancel- button-props property to {{ cancelButtonProps: { onClick: (e) => e.stopPropagation() } }} within the Modal component, you can prevent the default onCancel behavior. This allows you to handle the cancellation event manually.

Can I use the onCancel function with other Ant Design components?

The onCancel function is specifically designed for Ant Design’s Modal component. However, you can use similar concepts, such as callback functions or event handlers, with other Ant Design components to achieve similar results. Just be sure to check the component’s documentation for specific guidance.