Is This C++ Code Undefined Behaviour? Calling a Method with a Null Value for ‘this’
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Is This C++ Code Undefined Behaviour? Calling a Method with a Null Value for ‘this’

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As a C++ developer, you’ve probably encountered code that makes you go, “Wait, is this even allowed?” And then you scratch your head, wondering if the program will crash, segfault, or produce unexpected results. Today, we’re diving into a specific scenario that might make you question the sanity of the code: calling a method with a null value for ‘this’. Yes, you read that right – a null ‘this’ pointer! So, buckle up and let’s explore the realm of undefined behaviour in C++.

What’s ‘this’ Anyway?

In C++, the ‘this’ pointer is a special pointer that points to the current object being operated on. It’s implicitly passed as the first argument to non-static member functions, allowing them to access and manipulate the object’s members. Think of ‘this’ as a magic pointer that says, “Hey, I’m the object you’re working with!”

class MyClass {
    void doSomething() {
        // 'this' points to the current MyClass object
        this->myMember = 5;

    int myMember;

The Perils of Null ‘this’

Now, imagine calling a method on a null object, effectively passing a null ‘this’ pointer. What happens when you do this?

MyClass* obj = nullptr;
obj->doSomething(); // Uh-oh!

Well, in C++, this is where things get a bit fuzzy. The C++ standard doesn’t explicitly forbid calling a method on a null object, but it doesn’t guarantee anything either. This is where undefined behaviour (UB) comes into play.

What is Undefined Behaviour?

Undefined behaviour is a fancy term for “the compiler can do whatever it wants, and you can’t predict the outcome.” When you invoke UB, your program may:

  • Crash with a segmentation fault
  • Produce incorrect results
  • Behave differently on different compilers or platforms
  • Work as expected (but don’t count on it!)。

In the case of calling a method with a null ‘this’ pointer, the compiler might:

  • Generate code that dereferences the null pointer, leading to a crash
  • Optimize away the method call, assuming it’s not reachable
  • Produce unexpected results due to the null pointer being used as an argument

But Wait, There’s More!

You might think, “Okay, I’ll just check for null before calling the method.” Sounds reasonable, right?

MyClass* obj = nullptr;
if (obj != nullptr) {
    obj->doSomething(); // Still not safe!

Not so fast! Even with a null check, you’re still not out of the woods. Consider this:

MyClass* obj = nullptr;
MyClass* anotherObj = obj; // anotherObj is now also null
if (anotherObj != nullptr) {
    anotherObj->doSomething(); // Oh dear...

In this example, the null check doesn’t prevent the null ‘this’ pointer from being passed to the method. This is because the null check is only evaluating the `anotherObj` pointer, not the original `obj` pointer.

The Solution: Use References Instead

To avoid the pitfalls of null ‘this’ pointers, consider using references instead of pointers. References guarantee that the object being referred to exists, making it impossible to have a null ‘this’ pointer:

void doSomething(MyClass& obj) {
    // obj is guaranteed to be a valid object
    obj.myMember = 5;

By using references, you ensure that the object exists and can be safely used within the method. This approach eliminates the risk of null ‘this’ pointers and undefined behaviour.

Additional Safeguards

In addition to using references, you can employ other techniques to prevent null ‘this’ pointers:

  1. Use smart pointers (like `unique_ptr` or `shared_ptr`) to manage object lifetimes and ensure that objects are not deleted prematurely.

  2. Implement a null object pattern, where a default or “null” object is returned instead of a null pointer.

  3. Perform explicit null checks before calling methods, using a technique like the “null object pattern” or by rethrowing exceptions.


In C++, calling a method with a null value for ‘this’ is a recipe for undefined behaviour. While it might seem harmless, it can lead to crashes, unexpected results, or even worse – silent failures. By using references, smart pointers, and additional safeguards, you can ensure that your code is robust and resilient. Remember, a null ‘this’ pointer is not just a warning sign; it’s a red flag waving “Undefined Behaviour Ahead!”

Best Practice Reason
Use references instead of pointers Guarantees the object exists and eliminates null ‘this’ pointers
Employ smart pointer management Ensures objects are not deleted prematurely, reducing the risk of null ‘this’ pointers
Implement null object patterns Returns a default object instead of null, preventing null ‘this’ pointers

So, the next time you encounter code that makes you wonder, “Is this C++ code undefined behaviour?”, take a step back, and ask yourself: “Am I calling a method with a null value for ‘this’?” If the answer is yes, it’s time to refactor and ensure your code is robust, reliable, and most importantly, well-defined.

Frequently Asked Question

Exploring the realm of C++ and wondering if a code snippet is prone to undefined behavior? Let’s dive in and uncover the truth!

Is calling a method with a null value for ‘this’ in C++ considered undefined behavior?

Yes, my friend! In C++, calling a member function on a null pointer (i.e., a null value for ‘this’) is indeed undefined behavior. The C++ standard doesn’t define what happens in this scenario, so it’s best to avoid it like the plague.

What happens if I call a static member function with a null value for ‘this’?

Ah-ha! Unlike non-static member functions, calling a static member function with a null value for ‘this’ is perfectly fine and well-defined. Since static member functions don’t rely on the object’s ‘this’ pointer, you’re good to go!

Can I catch the undefined behavior with a try-catch block?

Sorry, friend! Since calling a member function with a null value for ‘this’ is undefined behavior, the program’s behavior is unpredictable, and a try-catch block won’t save you from the chaos. It’s essential to ensure the object is valid before calling its member functions.

Is there a way to prevent null pointer dereferences in C++?

You bet! One common approach is to use smart pointers like unique_ptr or shared_ptr, which automatically manage memory and prevent null pointer dereferences. Additionally, using nullptr instead of NULL and enabling compiler warnings can help you catch potential issues earlier.

How can I test if the ‘this’ pointer is null before calling a member function?

Easy peasy! You can simply check if the ‘this’ pointer is null before calling the member function: if (this) { this->memberFunction(); }. However, keep in mind that this check isn’t foolproof, as the object might still be in an invalid state. Always prioritize writing robust, null-pointer-safe code!

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